Take your next step as a disciple
You’re ready to begin serving when…
- You’re a Christian
- You’re regularly attending our Weekend Services (for at least six months)
- You’re regularly attending and engaged in a cell group (for at least six months)
- You have / can get an active Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Teaching kids about God and the Bible during our Weekend Services.
Musicians, Vocals and Tech facilitating a time of musical worship.
Creating a space for High Schoolers to experience Jesus.
Welcoming & Parking
Welcoming people to church and guiding them to find a car park.
Designing graphics for announcements and social media.
Capturing and editing photos and videos of church life.
Welcoming & connecting with newcomers to church.
Preparing and serving refreshments after the service.
Praying and interceding for people during our services.
Supporting those who are going through difficult times and circumstances in their lives.
Supporting Migrants in Learning English.
Equipping the congregation in Biblical truth and topics.